Little Systems Page Builder Express school websites service was hosted by GSAT, ViewBankRise networks and DuxTel for more than 15 years.
Staff at Ringwood North Primary School (1999-2001) tested and encouraged the development of Little Systems Page Builder Express content management system.
Little Systems has shared CMS and WordPress understanding with the team at Digital Developments.
Open Source software
Little Systems uses and/or implements at least the following Open Source software (in alphabetical order):
- Apache and Nginx servers
- Debian Linux, including OpenSSH and Postfix
- git distributed version control system (and git BASH)
- GnuCash accounting software
- Koha integrated library system
- Let’s Encrypt SSL/TLS certificate authority (service)
- MySQL database server
- nestedSortable jQuery plugin
- Netbeans IDE
- OpenStack cloud computing software (via host)
- Paint.NET image editor (and Notepad++ text editor)
- Perl programming language and the Artistic License 2.0
- PHP hypertext pre-preprocessor
- PHPMyAdmin database administration software
- puTTY SSH client
- Request Tracker issue tracking
system - Screen window manager
- Vim advanced text editor
- Oracle VirtualBox virtualisation software
- The Webalizer log file analysis
- WinSCP SFTP client
- WordPress content management system including the following plugins: AntiSpam Bee, Force Strong Passwords, JP Custom CSS, Mercator WordPress Multisite Domain Mapping, SSH SFTP Updater Support and WP fail2ban
Image attribution
Wooden Table (front page)
Source: Nicolás Boullosa (FairCompanies), Flicker.